
Happy New Year!

11:28 AM

Welcome to 2016 and the return of Legally Charming Style! 

So I'm a bit of a slacker when it comes to New Year's Resolutions. Unfortunately, it's not just keeping them; it's actually making them in the first place. Last year was probably the first year in a long time when I achieved my goal of getting shit done-my professional life took off, I stepped up into several leadership positions, and I got the offer for my post-grad dream job. 

Obviously I was thrilled to achieve so much. But this year I want to go a different direction. In my drive to succeed, I noticed that I was hurting myself emotionally and burning the candle at both ends, causing a lot of basic things in my life to go off the rails. 

So instead I'm focusing on two new goals: grace and gratitude. Not like I'm trying not to trip over everything in a five mile radius (because that will never happen), but I'm looking to change the way I view the world by:

1. Giving myself some grace. I realized that I was hurting myself by pushing, literally to the edge of insanity, my need for perfection in every part of my life. This year I want to try letting go a little and accepting that perfect isn't what I need.

2. Doing the same for my friends and family. It's completely unfair to hold people to my crazy, unrealistic, and anxiety-driven expectations. The people I love are people who do the best they can. Pushing people to my standards has a habit of pushing them away.

3. Gratitude for what (and who) I have. I am truly privileged have been given so many opportunities and done so much more than I had ever expected. I am also privileged to have such amazing people in my life who love me even though I am not the greatest communicator (read: most forgetful person on earth). I want to be more grateful for my opportunities, stop whining, and be more intentional with showing my gratitude for those I love. This can mean writing down what I am happy for, sending a card or calling a long-distance friend, and letting people know I care. 

Here's to a New Year-I hope you are looking forward to it as much as I am!



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