
Snow Babe

4:24 PM

Welcome back!!

I have been snowed in for most of the weekend now and I'm going a little stir-crazy! This record-breaking snow is keeping school and work closed, which means I am spending a lot of time staring at these pics and reminiscing about a time when my car wasn't buried in a four foot snowdrift. ;) 

I was so thrilled to be a part of the Styled by James Event at South Moon Under on January 17th. It was a blast to meet up with James Sanders, a very famous stylist, and three other wonderful Baltimore bloggers! It's an honor to get asked to be a part of an event like that one when you're still relatively new to the styling and blogging game. 

On top of the fun of a fantastic styling event, it started to snow! I dragged my blogger friend Taliah of Fashion Was Here out to take photos and she did an amazing job! I love these photos. The snow was the perfect backdrop for these shots (even if I did freeze my butt off)!! 

The best part of this look? Not a single piece in it cost over $30-proof positive that achieving a stylish aesthetic doesn't have to be expensive! 



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  1. how cute are you! love the pics. xo hope to see you again soon.

    1. Thanks doll!! All the credit to Taliah for making me look great. :) And yesss!! Sooner rather than later <3

  2. Looovvve this Carisa! The clutch is definitely the icing on the cake!


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