
I Like Big Brims...

11:36 AM

Photography:  Raqwell/@raq.well

...and I cannot lie!!

(Sorry guys, had to.)

In approximately one week from now, I will be FREE FROM THE BAR EXAM. I am so excited. And also super terrified. Like, no worries. You know. Just the biggest test of my life.


So last week I was in my house on Monday, studying my little butt off, when I got an Instagram message from my new friend Raqui, who happens to be a stellar photographer. She needed a model for a job she was applying for and asked if I could be her girl! Obviously I said yes, because who in the world turns down the opportunity to work with such a gifted photographer??

This dress had just come in the mail via my Le Tote box that very same day (what are the chances?) and I knew I wanted to put it on. The bag had also come in my tote, I threw on an appropriate amount of jewelry for a shoot showcasing jewelry, and then neutral shoes to make my legs look all long and lean (which they are not, but I take what advantages heels give, y'all).

I then debated my headwear options for a moment for being under the hot Baltimore sun-go hatless? wear my white fedora?-when I realized that I wanted to show off this perfect floppy straw number that had come in the mail only two days before from Forever 21. I'd eyed it in store the week I was getting my laptop repaired, but I had to leave it when I realized my baby was ready for pickup. The next day I logged onto their website and snapped this up. With rare good luck it was on sale even more with free shipping, so I ended up paying about $10.50 for this retro-feel beach-perfect sun hat that makes me feel like an old movie star!!

Once my real people clothes were on, I tripped out the door to meet Raqui for a photography session. Needless to say we had SO much fun!! She is a total blast and easygoing to work with, not to mention our common theater backgrounds! We joked about Pokemon, Hamilton, and being nerds together over the hour we did photography. I always love when I make an instant bond with someone, and this was one of those super fun times. And as you can see above, Raqui made me look like a glowing goddess and these pictures will be rotated pretty solidly through my Facebook profile photo lineup over the next year because when am I going to look better???

Hope you're having a great week and enjoying your summer! Soon I will be one of you out there feeling the sun on my skin!



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  1. So cute! Love that hat on you! I know you're so glad to have the bar exam behind you! I wish I would've been blogging during law school and the exam. . .it would've made things so much more fun.


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