From Winter to Spring...

5:47 PM

....these are the days of our lives.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Welcome back to fashion posts at Legally Charming Style! I know I have been very absent these last few weeks. Hopefully things will die down a little now that I'm out of weekly court dates and most of the heavy lifting for the semester has passed (hard to believe, but true). Truth be told, I miss fashion blogging a lot because it acts as my relief from all the busy stress--but I was too busy to even get it done! Talk about a conundrum.

So lately the weather here in Baltimore has been pretending like it wants to be spring, then changing its mind. It's kind of fickle like that. (Like me when I am deciding between two pairs of shoes I really want and I can't afford both.) This makes getting dressed difficult, particularly when all I want to do is wear florals and dresses all day without tights or a heavy jacket.

This outfit is my great compromise. I've got on florals, but they're demure ones that are a little icy in tone. I'm not wearing a heavy coat, but I do have my blazer. I succumbed to boots, but my jeans are rolled up and my ankles are showing. I'm doing (almost) all the things I want to without sacrifice, and it also happened to be the perfect outfit on a cloudy casual Friday.

So glad to see y'all back-now I'm headed out on vacation tomorrow, so I think it's time for me to go to bed!



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