
(Office) Party in the USA

5:55 PM

Happy almost Fourth, everybody!!

So I don't know about y'all, but being in the office when your friends are hitting the beach/on vacation somewhere is kind of sad and makes you feel like you need about five more cups of coffee than usual to survive. I've gotten used to it now, since this is my second summer working full time during law school, but every once in a while I see a bunch of gorgeous photos from people in Hawaii and I want to cry.

So how does one counteract that particular evil?

I've decided the best cure for in-the-office-close-to-the-Fourth blues is to dress as much like an American flag as humanly possible. Maybe it's wrong, but if it is, I don't want to be right. Pairing this striped J. Crew skirt (another gold find at Uptown Cheapskate!) with the polka dotted Old Navy top knotted at the waist feels bright, peppy, and totally patriotic. The tasseled flats are just plain fun and add a little something extra to the outfit to make it pop! bang! boom! like a firework. (No one let me start singing Katy Perry to you right now, please.)

In the meantime, I'm off to finish a presentation for my class tomorrow so I'm one step closer to freedom!



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