Happy happy Friday!
The Liebster Award is an award given to bloggers (with
1k or less followers) in recognition by other bloggers. Upon being
nominated (tagged on Instagram) you have to answer 11
questions and then nominate 11 other bloggers (notify them
through Instagram) to answer the 11 questions and so on and so on.
Below are the answers to my eleven questions as well as the eleven bloggers I have
nominated. All of these ladies are inspiring new bloggers that I'm following--I hope you'll check them out too!
1. How did you come up with your blog name?
I came up with Legally Charming Style because, believe it or not, "legally charming" was my tagline when I used Match.com, and I was on it at the time I created this blog (though not actively, because I have a semi-deep loathing for dating websites). It sounds odd and silly now, but it was a launching point for creating this blog--so I'm grateful I thought of that! (It's also helpful that I am in fact a future lawyer, so anything legal is something I'm on board with.)
2. Why did you start your blog?
I first thought about fashion blogging because I was inspired by others that I saw on Instagram who were doing the same thing. I never even realized that fashion blogging was a real thing until about a year ago. For the last couple of years, as I developed my personal style, friends and colleagues would tell me that I was always dressed well for the occasion, and never believed that I was the active thrift shopper that I am.
So it became a twofold mission: one, to show that it was possible to dress on a (very) low budget; and two, to talk about body confidence, self-esteem, and loving yourself no matter your body type--and doing that through fashion.
3. What do you love most about blogging?
I'm stealing this answer in part from Alli: I love
everything thing about blogging. But this is me: It is stress relief from my classwork; it makes me think creatively to put together outfits; it helps me exercise my writing and photography muscles. It's just a lot of fun without being hard work.
4. What was the most ridiculous but very cool fashion
trend you followed?
Everyone will tell you I'm not good at taking risks and following ridiculous fashion trends. But I definitely bought into the wide-legged printed pants trend, which looking back now I'm not sure was a good idea. They still remind me of pajamas.
5. One goal you wish to accomplish this
6. What is your favorite social media site?
Instagram. I can't get enough--double-tapping is my weakness.
7. If you could travel to only one place this year where would it be and why?
If I could somehow afford to go to my friend Meg's wedding in the Bahamas I'd be the happiest girl on Earth. Beautiful location and a wonderful couple, who could ask for more?
8. How would you describe your personal style?
I'd say it's a masculine-feminine balance with a vintage vibe. I love both dresses and jeans; leather and lace. I'm never quite sure what I'm going to come up with next! ;)
9. Spring or Fall fashion?
It's been so cold lately that my heart is screaming for spring clothes. Normally I prefer fall.
10. If you could choose one store to shop at, your entire
life, which store would you choose?
Probably Target. Because it's Target and I can't help how much I love it.
11. What is
one fear you would like to conquer?
I'm still working on not worrying what others think of me. I've done a lot of work on it in the last year, but it's a pervasive fear and it runs deep. Related: I have a hard time doing street shoots for the blog because I don't like getting stared at! ;)
I nominate the following bloggers:
The Peach Peony (Kaila)- @kailahamilton7
Sarah's Real Life (Sarah)- @sarahsreallife
What Emma Wore (Emma)- @whatemmawore
Art of the Closet (Nicole) - @artofthecloset
Everything Sunny Always (Hannah)- @hannahbunker
Charm City Thriftanista (Kelly)- @charmcitythriftanista
Styles I Like (Erin)- @erinanncullen
The Curvy Girl Diva (Rasheda)- @thecurvygirldiva
Rejoice in the Journey (Jillian)- @rejoiceinthejourney
Just Sparkle Blog -@justsparkleblog
Petite Punk (Carolyn)- @petite_punk
Styles I Like (Erin)- @erinanncullen
The Curvy Girl Diva (Rasheda)- @thecurvygirldiva
Rejoice in the Journey (Jillian)- @rejoiceinthejourney
Just Sparkle Blog -@justsparkleblog
Petite Punk (Carolyn)- @petite_punk